How much are you borrowing?

Step 1/6

Selling Price
Adjust slider for value
Loan Period
Adjust slider for value
Loan Amount
Monthly Amortization
*Rates and figures are indicative and may change without prior notice.
What car are you interested in?

Step 2/6
Please fill in required fields.

Type of Car (Choose one) 
Year and Model 
Tell us

Step 3/6
Please fill in required fields.

Last Name 
First Name 
Middle Name 
Civil Status 
Please input your contact information.

Step 4/6
Please fill in required fields.

Present Address 
Zip Code 
My Present Address is same as my Permanent Address.
Permanent Address
Zip Code
Email Address 
Mobile Number 
What kind of work do you do?

Step 5/6
Please fill in required fields.

Employer or Business Name 
Nature of Business 
Length of Tenure 
Adjust slider for value
Office Address 
Office Landline 
Tell us about your income.

Step 6/6
Please fill in required fields.

Source of Income 
Monthly Income 
Please select your preferred branch to process your application. 
Business Relationship Manager / Officer (Optional)
Select all that apply
I am an existing / a former RCBC borrower.
I am an existing RCBC depositor.
Clicking Submit indicates that I allow RCBC to use my account information for the application and processing of my loan.